Our Facility

Because children process their feelings through repetition and play, every aspect of our program space and format has been designed to help grieving children and teens find meaningful ways to express themselves. This helps grieving young people re-gain a sense of control over their lives and work through the many facets of grief. That expression can be in many forms – not just words.


Art projects

When someone important to us dies, we feel many different feelings.  It can be hard to understand and It’s different for everybody. Children’s groups often include an art-based activity to help children identify various feelings about grief and loss.   


Creative expression

Children process thoughts and feelings through play and repetition.  Whether building a Lego “creature”, putting on a puppet show, reading a book, playing instruments in the music area, or enjoying other creative play – good grief’s program space fosters creativity and self-expression.


Gathering space

Good Grief is a safe and caring place for children, teens, and the adults who care for them to gather and support one another as everyone works through and comes to an understanding of thoughts, fears, questions, and emotions associated with grief and loss.

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Virtual Tour

Take a virtual tour of our program space.