Social media can be a blessing – and a curse – to those who are grieving. Memories and comparisons. Is and Was.
Surprise! It’s National Siblings Day and all of the extra pictures and shares of everyone else’s “is” may be making you feel some extra heavy reminders of your “was”.
The death of a brother or sister is a significant loss, and many of us will face this loss more than once. Yet it is one of the most overlooked types of grief, especially in adulthood. Sibling loss is unique, complicated, and life changing regardless of how old you are when it occurs. The entire family faces a unique set of challenges.
We’re sending extra comfort to those who are grieving a sibling today. It’s okay to take a break from social media. If you’re feeling up to it, post a photo and memory of you and your sibling(s). Perhaps reach out to a friend who is grieving a sibling just to let them know you’re thinking of them.
If you are parenting a child or teen grieving the death of a sibling, one of the best ways to help your children is to take care of yourself - which is much easier said than done. Our friends at The Dougy Center compiled the following ideas to nurture the body and mind while grieving - we hope they may be of use to you.
Importance of Self-Care While Grieving